Poison ivy
August 10, 2015
Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Ktze.
Life cycle
Perennial woody vine.
Poison ivy foliage.
Alternate, compound with three shiny leaflets. Leaflet margins may be smooth, toothed or lobed. The side leaflets occur on very short stalks; the middle leaflet occurs on a much longer stalk. Leaves may turn bright red in the fall. Contact with any part of this plant can cause a reaction in sensitive people.
Compound leaf of poison ivy.
Shrubby or climbing, woody vines are supported by aerial roots.
Poison ivy aerial roots.
Flowers and fruit
Small, inconspicuous, yellow to green flowers have five petals. Fruit are gray to white berries (drupes).
Poison ivy flower.
Seeds, creeping roots and stems, which may root if in contact with the ground.
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