Improving the Fertilizer Value Chain in Mali: Pathways Forward?
DOWNLOADFebruary 3, 2016 - Veronique Theriault, Alpha Kergna, Abdramane Traoré, Bino Temé and Melinda Smale
Veronique Theriault, Alpha Kergna, Abdramane Traoré, Bino Temé and Melinda Smale. 2016. Improving the Fertilizer Value Chain in Mali: Pathways Forward? Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 13 - EN. East Lansing: Michigan State University
See French Version:
Véronique Thériault, Alpha Kergna, Abdramane Traoré, Bino Temé et Melinda Smale. 2016. Comment améliorer la performance de la filière engrais au Mali ? Des pistes de solutions. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 13 - FR. East Lansing: Michigan State University
- There is a need to invest in data collection that will allow rigorous impact evaluations, including of the subsidy program.
- Farmers who are members of cooperatives/associations have better access to fertilizer.
- Incentives to use fertilizer vary with farming conditions, fertilizer quality and prices.