Growing Michigan Agriculture Proceedings
January 24, 2013
Proceedings from the Growing Michigan Agriculture Conference, held Jan. 24, 2013 at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Mich. Note that files are large and may take a few minutes to load.
Recruiting, Hiring and Keeping Topnotch Labor
Dr. Bernie Erven, The Ohio State University
Emerging Food Safety Issues: What are the Opportunities?
Dr. Julie Funk, Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Precision Ag Technology
Dr. Joe D. Luck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Managing Soil to Improve Infiltration and Water Holding Capacity
Dr. Ronald Reicosky, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Station (Emeritus)
Feeds, Price and Volatility
Michigan State University Extension
Farm Bill Extension
Dr. Dave Schweikhardt, Michigan State University