Ground ivy (creeping Charlie)
August 7, 2015
Glechoma hederacea L.
Life cycle
Prostrate, creeping perennial.
Ground ivy in a lawn.
Opposite, kidney-shaped to rounded leaves are approximately 1 inch wide with scalloped margins, palmate veins and long leaf stalks. Damaged leaves emit a mint-like odor.
Ground ivy leaf.
Prostrate, creeping stolons are square in cross-section and root at the nodes to form thick patches.
Ground ivy plant with creeping stolons.
Flowers and fruit
Purplish blue, funnel-shaped flowers with two lips are found in clusters in the upper leaf axils. The upper lip has two lobes; the lower lip has three lobes. Fruit are small, brown, egg-shaped nutlets.
Ground ivy foliage and flower.
Creeping stems and seeds.
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