Planning Greenhouse Sales and Land Lab

Competency C2. Demonstrate plant propagation techniques.


When you have a greenhouse on campus, there are endless amounts of fundraisers that can help students to apply the knowledge they have learned in class. Examples of different sales could be vegetable transplants, strawberries in a hoophouse or floral sales. The key part of these sales is planning when you want the crop to be ready for harvest to be sold. Planting schedules are a big part of how you plan your sales and can make them successful. To start your floral sale, you can contact a major greenhouse within Michigan to buy your plugs to kickstart getting items ready to sell to members of your community. Land labs can also be a key way to raise funds for the chapter. This combines production agriculture with the high school FFA program.  A key player within this program is getting alumni members active to help plant and monitor the crops. Land labs usually plant major commodities like corn, soybeans and wheat. Students are present at harvest to observe the machinery used and help in handling the crops. Consider using the Greenhouse Crop Production CDE as a resource for the sales you plan.


Teaching Methods

Brainstorming, Lecture Discussion, Demonstration, Field Trip, Resource People, Experiment, Supervised Study

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