Food Security and Nutrition Indicators for 20 Priority CAADP Countries


March 2, 2018 - Sheryl L Hendriks, Wegayehu Fitaweck, Elizabeth Mkandawire, and Leonard Mkusa

Sheryl L Hendriks, Wegayehu Fitaweck, Elizabeth Mkandawire, and Leonard Mkusa. 2018. Food Security and Nutrition Indicators for 20 Priority CAADP Countries. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 96. East Lansing: Michigan State University.

The 2014 Malabo Declaration is an ambitious call to action with the vision of dramatically transforming agricultural growth and development in Africa. In the Declaration, African leaders approved seven commitments that include recommitting to the principles and values of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and ensuring mutual accountability to results and impact through a continental-level Biennial Review (ReSAKSS 2018).

The CAADP was initiated through the 2003 Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa (AU 2003), and sought to achieve Millennium Development Goal one (MDG-1) to halve the turn of the century levels of extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 (AU 2003). The Maputo Declaration on CAADP sets broad targets of 6 percent annual growth in agricultural gross domestic product, and allocation of at least 10 percent of public expenditures to the agricultural sector.

In 2013, after a decade of implementation, demand for more clarity was expressed by African Union (AU) Member States and stakeholders in terms of further elaboration and refinement of the CAADP targets, and assessment of technical efficacies and political feasibilities for success in agricultural transformation (AU 2018). As a result, AU Heads of State and Government adopted the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation (Doc.
Assembly/AU/2(XXIII)) in June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The Malabo Declaration sets the Africa 2025 Vision for Agriculture which is implemented within the Framework of CAADP as a vehicle to implement and achieve the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of Africa’s Agenda 2063 (AU 2018).

The seven Malabo Commitments were translated into seven thematic areas of performance:

(i) recommitting to the principles and values of the CAADP Process; 
(ii) enhancing investment finance in agriculture; 
(iii) ending hunger in Africa by 2025; 
(iv) reducing poverty by half, by 2025, through inclusive agricultural growth and transformation; 
(v) boosting intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and services; 
(vi) enhancing resilience of livelihoods and production systems to climate variability and other related risks; and 
(vii) strengthening mutual accountability to actions and results.

African countries are currently in the process of reviewing and refining their National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans (NAFSIPs). The first NAFSIPs sought to support the achievement of MDG1. The revised NAFSIPs (II) will support the achievement of the Malabo commitments that align with the Sustainable Development Goals. Commitment 2 of Malabo aligns with SDG2 that seeks to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable

The Malabo Declaration on Nutrition Security through Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa targets are:

i. Ending hunger by 2025;
ii. Ending child stunting and bringing down stunting to 10 % and underweight to 5% by 2025; and
iii. Continuing dialogue and strengthening advocacy in support of improved nutrition

The first two targets offer benchmarks and impact indicators for the NAFSIPs. However, up-todate data are not always available in each country. The attached sheets offer summaries of the currently available indicators and data on food security in 20 priority countries. These data can assist countries in identifying indicators for use in monitoring and evaluation systems for the NAFSIPs.


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