Field bindweed
August 26, 2015
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Life cycle
Twining, creeping perennial vine.
Field bindweed seedling.
Cotyledons are square to kidney-shaped. Leaves are alternate, arrowhead- to spade-shaped with nearly parallel leaf margins and generally rounded tips. Leaf bases are pointed or rounded.
Field bindweed leaf.
Climbing, trailing, herbaceous vines up to 6 feet or more in length.
Flowers and fruit
White to pink petals fused into a funnel shape with two leafy, small bracts approximately 1 inch below the flower base. Fruit are egg-shaped capsules containing dull gray, brown or black seeds with one round and two flattened surfaces.
Field bindweed flower.
Seeds, creeping roots and rhizomes.
Similar weeds
Hedge bindweed [Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br.] Differs by having larger, triangle-shaped leaves with square lobes extending behind and perpendicular to the petiole. Leaf is squarely notched at the petiole. Flower base has two large bracts.
Leaf of hedge bindweed (left). Hedge bindweed flower base with two large bracts (right).
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