field bindweed

Field bindweed – Convolvulus arvensis

Convolvulus arvensis L.

Convolvulaceae (Morningglory family)

MI Status


Life cycle

Twining, creeping perennial vine.


Cotyledons are square to kidney-shaped. Leaves are alternate, arrowhead- to spade-shaped with nearly parallel leaf margins and generally rounded tips. Leaf bases are pointed or rounded.


Climbing, trailing, herbaceous vines up to 6 feet or more in length.

Flowers and fruit

White to pink petals fused into a funnel shape with two leafy, small bracts
approximately 1 inch below the flower base. Fruit are egg-shaped capsules
containing dull gray, brown or black seeds with one round and two flattened surfaces.


Seeds, creeping roots and rhizomes.

Field bindweed flower
Field bindweed flower
Field bindweed leaves
Field bindweed leaves
Field bindweed seedling
Field bindweed seedling

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