Canada goldenrod flower

Canada goldenrod – Solidago canadensis

Solidago canadensis L. var. scabra Torr. & Gray

Asteraceae (Aster family)

MI Status


Life cycle

Clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial.


Leaves initially develop from a basal rosette. Leaves are alternate, lance-shaped, tapering at both ends, stalkless, usually with toothed margins. Leaves are numerous and crowded along the stem, with soft hairs below and smooth above.


Erect, up to 7 feet tall with little to no branching. Dense hairs present.

Flowers and fruit

Golden-yellow flowers are found in dense, pyramid-shaped, paniclelike clusters. The seed is enclosed in a single-seeded, wind-disseminated fruit.


Seeds and extensive creeping rhizomes.

Canada goldenrod flower
Canada goldenrod flower
Clump of Canada goldenrod
Clump of Canada goldenrod
Canada goldenrod rosette
Canada goldenrod rosette
Canada goldenrod leaf
Canada goldenrod leaf

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