Asiatic (common) dayflower

June 4, 2015

Commelina communis L. Commelinaceae (Spiderwort family)

Life cycle

Erect to spreading summer annual.

Asiatic dayflower plant
Asiatic dayflower plant


Leaves are alternate, oblong to lance-shaped, 2 to 4 inches long, gradually tapering to a point with parallel veins and smooth leaf margins. Leaves clasp the stem, forming conspicuous basal sheaths.

Asiatic dayflower leaves
Asiatic dayflower leaves


Erect to prostrate, spreading stems are numerously branched and root at the nodes. Stems are thick, fleshy and swollen at the nodes

Conspicuous basal sheath
Conspicuous basal sheath of Asiatic dayflower

Flowers and fruit

Unique and attractive flowers, consisting of two large, bright blue petals at the top and a single small, white petal below, are enclosed in a green, leaflike bract. Flowers occur at the ends of long flower stalks. Each flower is open for one day only. Fruit are two-celled capsules that yield brown to reddish, wrinkled seeds.

Asiatic dayflower flower
Asiatic dayflower flower


Primarily by seeds, although vegetative reproduction occurs during the summer.

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