Eric Crawford
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
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M.S. & Ph.D. Job Candidates
Crawford, Eric W.
Eric Crawford's Current Projects
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Eric Crawford's Past Projects
African Rural Employment Network - Ethiopia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. [1972 - 1977]
African Rural Employment Network - Start-Up. [1971 - 1972]
Agricultural Economic Services in the Sahel. [1976 - 1979]
Agricultural Productivity Growth and Food Security in Pakistan [2014 - 2015]
AID-Impact Evaluation & Strengthening Local Capacity to Monitor & Evaluate Food Security in Cambodia
Alternative Rural Development Strategies Cooperative Agreement. [1977 - 1984]
Angler Survey for Basin Managers and Great Lake Management Planning [2013 - 2015]
Animal Traction Study - Sahel. [1978 - 1979]
Beef and Dairy Cattle Animal Welfare: Market Opportunities and Threats [2012 - 2015]
Bureau of Food Security - Climate Change Associate Award in Zambia and Kenya [2013 - 2015]
Capacity Development for Modernizing African Food Systems - MAFS [2013 -2015]
CAPE: Community Assessment and Education to Promote Behavioral Health Planning and Evaluation
Colombia - Colleges of Agriculture at Medellin and Palmira. [1951-1962 ]
Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development - CSNRD. [1965 - 1971]
Cost and returns analysis for Boldness-by-design environmental systems
Dairy Markets and Policy Proposal - Farm Service Agency for Educational Decision Tools [2014 - 2015]
Design and Engineering of Green Composites from bio-fibers and Bacterial bioplastics
Development and Optimization of Solid-Set Canopy Delivery Systems For Resource-Efficient, Ecological
Effect of Cover Crops on Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Nitrogen Availability and Carbon Accumulation in O
Environmental/Economic Evaluation of Cellulose-derived Fuels for the Canada/U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Fleets
Evaluating the Impacts of an Increase in Fuel-ethanol Demand on Michigan Agriculture and Economy
Evaluation of the Marketplace for Nutritious Foods
Feed The Future Innovation Lab For Food Security Policy
Food Marketing in the Economic Development of Puerto Rico - LAMP Country Study. [1965 - 1966]
Food Security II Cooperative Agreement. [1992 - 2002]
Food Security III Cooperative Agreement. [ 2002 - 2012 ]
Food Security in Africa Cooperative Agreement. [1985 - 1992]
General Motors, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada
Grand Traverse Bay Watershed Climate Change Perceptions Survey [2012 - 2015]
Great Lakes Watershed Ecological Sustainability Strategy Phase II: Payments for Ag Ecosystem Service
Guiding Investments in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa - GISAIA
Guiding Investments in Sustainable Agricultural Markets in Africa - GISAMA [ 2008 - 2012 ]
How Input Subsidy Policies Change the Legume Farming Landscape
IIASA World Food and Agriculture Model, and Computer Program. [1983]
Impact Assessment of Bean/Cowpea & Dry Grain Pulses CRSP: Research, Outreach & Training Investments
Impact Evaluation and Capacity Development Services in the Republic of Mozambique and Benin
Impact Evaluation of the Yaajeende Senegal Agricultural Development Project [2013 - 2017]
Improving Food Security Research and Analysis Capacity in Burma (Myanmar) [2013 - 2014]
Improving the Inclusiveness of Agricultural Value Chains in West and Central Africa [2013 - 2015]
Integrated Economic Development and Environmental Protection Assessment for the Muskegon River Water
Integrated Management Strategies for Aspergillus and Fusarium Ear Rots of Corn [2013 -2014]
Integrated Rural Development, Eastern ORD, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso). [1977 - 1981]
IR-4 Field Research [2014]
Kellogg International Fellows Program in Food Systems (KIFP/FS). [1985 - 1992]
Kenya - Tegemeo Agricultural Policy Research and Analysis Project - TAPRA II
Korean Agricultural Sector Study (KASS) - Adapting and Testing of Agricultural Simulation Models to
Latin American Market Planning Program (LAMP) - Summary. [1965 - 1974]
Malaria, Productivity and Access to Treatment: Experimental Evidence from Nigeria [2013 - 2016]
Market Processes in La Paz, Bolivia - LAMP Country Study. [1966 - 1967]
Market Processes in the Recife Area of Northeast Brazil - LAMP Country Study. [1966 - 1967]
Michigan Cooperative Development Program [2013]
Michigan Trout Angler Survey [2013]
Michigan Wine Industry Economic Impact Study [2014]
Microcomputer Statistical Package (MSTAT). [1983 -1985]
Modeling Anthropogenic Effects in the Spread of Infectious Diseases [2011 - 2015]
Mozambique Policy Analysis and Planning Capacity for Improved Food Security and Nutrition Outcomes -
Mozambique Training Subaward: Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural Research and Development BHEARD
National Farm Business Management Benchmarking Collaboration [2013 - 2014]
National Institute of Agricultural Research - Niger. [1977 - 1978]
National Marketing Program for Agricultural Products in Colombia - LAMP Country Study. [1975 - 19
Natural Disasters and Risk, Time, and Trust Preferences - Rapid Response Research (RAPID)
North Central Regional Center for Rural Development - NCRCRD [2013 - 2015]
Partnership for Enabling Market Environments for Fertilizer in Africa (PEMEFA) [2017-2018 & 2020-2021]
Performance Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of Bean Technology Transfer Project [2013 - 2014]
Pollution Prevention: Role of Environmental Management and Information
Poor Rural Households,Technical Change and Income Distribution in Developing Countries (Sierra Leone
Prediction and Mitigation of Foodborne Disease Potential of Emerging Trichothecene Mycotoxins [2012
Producer Education Support Tools Project [2014 - 2015]
Quantifying the Impacts of Projected Climate Changes on the Grand Traverse Bay Region [2012 - 2015]
Sahel Master's Degree Training Program. [1976 - 1985]
Sahel Secretariat and Documentation Center (I and II). [1976 - 1982]
Senegal Agricultural Research Projects I and II. [1981 - 1992]
Strengthening Agricultural Marketing Research, Policy Analysis, and Capacity Building in Ecuador.
Strengthening Impact Assessment in the CGIAR System - SIAC [2013 - 2016]
Strengthening Regional Agricultural Integration - SRAI (Phases I & II) [2009 - 2016]
The Effect of Aflatoxin Regulation on Global Liver Cancer Risks [2014 -2015]
The Spartan School of Institutional Economics at Michigan State University and the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
Toward Sustainability of the High Plains Aquifer Region: Coupled Landscape, Atmosphere, and Socioeco
Towards an Integrated Framework for Climate Change Impact Assessments for International Market Syste
Training Agricultural Economists for Work in International Development. [1977 - 1982]
Transdisciplinary Research: Defining the Research Problem [2013 - 2014]
Translational Genomics in Cucumber-Tool Development & App. for Recessive Disease Resistance A
Trilaterial Cooperation to Improve Agriculture and Food Security in Mozambique [2013 - 2016]
Trunk Injection: A Discriminating Delivery System for Tree Fruit IPM [2013 - 2015]
University of Nigeria - Nsukka. [1960-1969]
University of Ryukyus, Okinawa. [1951-1968 ]
USDA - Correcting Market Failures in the Spread of Livestock and Wildlife Diseases [2013 - 2015]
USDA - Decision Support Systems for Regional Planning and Impact Asssessment of Biorefineries
USDA-Challenges Facing Small and Medium Sized Entrepreneurs in Emerging Cool Climate Wine Regions
USDA-Rural Cooperative Development Grant [2013 - 2014]
Value Chains in Bangladesh [2012 - 2014]
Zambia Food Security Research Project / INDABA Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) [2013
Eric Crawford
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College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Crawford, Eric W.
Research Impact
Eric Crawford
Centers & Services
M.S. & Ph.D. Job Candidates