Interactive Map of Beginning Farmer Resources

The Map of Beginning Farmer Resources in Michigan is an interactive tool showing over 90 programs for beginning and aspiring farmers in Michigan. Listings feature short videos, a website link, a program description, a list of programs offered for beginning and aspiring farmers and contact information.
Color-coded resource icons can help beginning farmers target the resources they need, whether they are seeking land, funding, farm skills, marketing opportunities, conferences, advocacy organizations or other resources. The map, this webpage and video guide to the map were created with funding from North Central SARE.
Click Here to Take a Survey of the Map
Click here to visit media page, and for a transcript of the narrative.

Share the Map!
Please feel free to share the map on your website, social media in emails. If you post permanently on a website, please also share the survey link.
Create your own map!
This Map of resources is fully customizable, and can be edited to focus on an area of interest for your farm or organization. MSU collaborated with MiFarmLink to create a map focused on land and credit access for their website. Other possibilities include a map of Michigan food hubs or a map of work opportunities on farms.
Please email Katie Brandt at with any questions or if you would like to collaborate on a customized version of the Map of Resources.