When will Michigan fresh produce be in season?
Get ready! Michigan produce is right around the corner.
You may have noticed in recent weeks that your supermarket has blueberries, strawberries and asparagus at pretty reasonable prices. These products are either absent or highly priced for most of the cold weather months in Michigan because they are grown along the west coast, in Florida or imported from other countries. However, there is some good news waiting for you at your supermarkets in the near future.
Michigan Fresh has an availability guide that provides year round guidance for fruits and vegetables grown in Michigan. There are cold weather products that may be available year round in certain locations in Michigan. Many new farmers are developing operations that might supply local markets and make these products available regardless of the season.
When can Michiganders begin seeing Michigan grown products like strawberries, blueberries and asparagus? Certainly consult the availability guide for general directions and pay attention to special advertising by big box retailers and farmers markets in early spring to be sure. Typically, cold weather Michigan produce can be seen on store shelves or in small retail markets, farms and farmers markets as early as January in the form of salad greens, kale, collard greens, beets and many fresh herbs. The strawberries, asparagus and blueberries vary a bit, but as a general rule, expect asparagus in mid-May, strawberries in mid-June and blueberries in late July through August. Stock up when they come and freeze the berries by following these helpful guidelines on storing short term by using these methods.
Additional fresh produce resources:
Michigan Fresh on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSUEMichiganFresh/
Michigan Fresh website: http://www.canr.msu.edu/mi_fresh/
MSU Extension Food Preservation and Health: http://www.canr.msu.edu/foodpreservation/index