Visit of The National Variety Release and Registration Committee to Tomato project
National Variety Release and Registration Committee visited the tomato project on July 13, 2021
On July 13, 2021, the National Variety Release and Registration Committee visited the tomato project which is one of the four BHEARD projects currently ongoing at the University of Ghana’s West Africa Center for Crop Improvement (WACCI) and has given the nod today for WACCI to process three hybrid tomato varieties for approval for cultivation in the Coastal Savanna Zone. This Tomato project focuses on the development of locally certified improved tomato hybrid seeds and production capacity building in Ghana. This is the first ever release of hybrid tomato varieties in the country. Congratulations to the Tomato team led by Dr. Agyemang Danquah.

This success has brought Ghana closer to stopping the huge imports of tomato and tomato seeds from Burkina Faso. The varieties were originally developed by the World Vegetable Centre and tested by WACCI and Agri Commercial Services Limited (ACSL).