Join us for the Virtual Dairy Nutrition and Management Series

The Department of Animal Science is hosting the Virtual Dairy Nutrition and Management Series on May 4, 2020! Join for a day of speakers hosting a variety of live-streamed sessions. Feel free to join at any time.

Virtual Dairy Nutrition and Management Series logo

Spring is typically a busy time of year for conferences focused on dairy cattle nutrition and management, but this year many of those have been cancelled. To help dairy producers and their advisors stay up to date on the latest research findings, the first Virtual Dairy Nutrition and Management Series (VDNMS) will be presented from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT on Monday, May 4.  The live presentations, including questions from the audience, will be streamed on the VDNMS YouTube Channel and also posted online for later viewing.

Among the speakers is Dr. Turner Swartz, a post-doctoral scientist in the Michigan State University Department of Animal Science, who will cover the effect of ketosis on immune function and strategies to improve mammary gland health.

Over the noon hour, graduate students will be providing brief presentations on their research. Included in the lineup are MSU Animal Science graduate students:

  • Julie Opgenorth - Modulating colostrum with omega-3 FA to enhance calf health
  • Brandon VanSoest - Effects of transition milk on growth, health and GIT development
  • Alycia Burch - Effect of palmitic acid-enriched supplements containing stearic or oleic acid on nutrient digestibility and production responses
  • Ariana Negreiro - Effect of a low forage diet on the yields of milk and milk components and feed efficiency of mid-lactation dairy cows

Schedule (PDF version)


All times are EDT.

9:00 AM Storage Practices for Reducing Shrinkage and Optimizing Silage Quality

Dr. Adegbola Adesogan, University of Florida

9:50 AM Culling Strategies and Economic Impact

Dr. Albert De Vries, University of Florida

10:40 AM Managing the Appropriate Number of Heifers Impacts Every Aspect of the Dairy

Kevin Ziemba, STgenetics

11:30 AM Effect of Ketosis on Immune Function and Potential Strategies to Improve Mammary Gland Health in Transition Dairy Cows

Dr. Turner Swartz, Michigan State University

12:00 PM Graduate Student Presentations


1:30 PM Effect of Oleic Acid and Exogenous Emulsifiers on Fatty Acid Absorption in Lactating Dairy Cows

Crystal Prom, Michigan State University

2:00 PM Feeding and Housing Dairy Calves to Accommodate Behavioral Needs and Improve Welfare

Dr. Emily Miller-Cushon, University of Florida

2:30 PM Signal vs. Noise – Decluttering a Crowded Toolbox of Feed Tests and Updating Strategies to Drive Feed Decisions

Kyle Taysom, Dairyland Laboratories, Inc.

3:00 PM Break

3:15 PM Ration Balancing Programs Workshops (JOIN ONE OF 2 ROOMS BELOW)

Room 1 Link: Formulating Diets for Amino Acids With Changing Milk Prices

Dr. Peter Yoder , Perdue AgriBusiness

Room 2 Link: Fatty Acid Supplementation in a Changing Market

Dr. Jonas De Souza, Perdue AgriBusiness

4:30 PM Social Hour

Please register for the social hour by May 1st by emailing:

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