Vineyard weed identification and management meeting
Improve your weed identification skills and explore management options for weeds in grapes on Thursday, April 17, 2014, in Benton Harbor or Traverse City, Mich.
Weed control is one of the most critical issues in vineyard establishment, and weeds remain an issue throughout the lifetime of the vineyard. In addition to competition for water and nutrients, weeds harbor insect pests, serve as hosts for viruses, and interfere with vineyard operations related to culture and harvest. Certain weeds, such as horsenettle, produce berries that can taint harvested grapes.
Although numerous herbicides are available for use in vineyards, they aren’t equally effective on all weeds. Application timing is important to get optimum results. These vineyard weed management workshops will help you identify problem weeds and understand their life cycles – the key to choosing effective management strategies – whether they are cultural or chemical.
Plan now to attend Michigan State University Extension’s Vineyard Weed Identification and Management Meeting on Thursday, April 17, from 1-4- p.m. to get answers on how to manage troublesome weeds in your vineyard. Growers have a choice of two locations for the workshop, either the Southwest Michigan Research and Extension Center in Benton Harbor, Mich., or the Northwest Michigan Horticultural Research Center near Traverse City, Mich.
Via a teleconference connection, North Carolina State University weed scientist Wayne Mitchem will discuss herbicide selections and other management practices. Eric Hanson from the MSU Department of Horticulture will handle the weed identification topic. Hanson will speak in person at the Benton Harbor, Mich., site and appear in Traverse City. Mich., through a teleconference connection. Participants will be able to have interactive discussions with the speakers.
Check out the registration information and schedule. Registration for the workshop is $25 per person and includes handouts and refreshments. Three RUP credits have been requested for the workshop. Attendance is limited. Please register by April 11.
Contact Duke Elsner at or 1-231-922-4822 for additional information.