Veggie chlorpyrifos update for 2025

Chlorpyrifos can still be used on all labeled vegetable crops until June 30, 2025, and likely into the future for asparagus.

Cabbage maggot tunneling in a turnip.
Cabbage maggot tunneling in turnips. Growers can use registered chlorpyrifos products for brassica root crops and other cancelled crops until June 30, 2025. Photo by Ben Werling, MSU Extension.

The insecticide chlorpyrifos, commonly known by its tradename Lorsban, was an important tool for a variety of vegetables including brassica root crops, leafy brassicas, onions and asparagus. After an initial ban in 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reinstated tolerances for all food uses in 2024 in response to a ruling by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. As a result, growers were allowed to apply chlorpyrifos during the 2024 season for any labeled use.

So where are we for 2025? All vegetable uses have been canceled except asparagus.

June 30, 2025, is the last date when the use of existing stocks is permitted. This means that growers of crops that have been on the label in previous years can apply this insecticide to those crops consistent with label directions without any violation until June 30, 2025. Growers with existing stocks of chlorpyrifos may use them according to the label until this date. Retailers, distributors and suppliers may sell currently registered chlorpyrifos until April 30, 2025, for use on these crops. Note that because many manufacturers voluntarily canceled their registration of chlorpyrifos, the supply of this insecticide is expected to be low.

The following insecticides have existing stocks that are allowed to be used until June 30, 2025, on canceled crops, as long as it is consistent with product labeling. Distribution of existing stocks are permitted until April 30, 2025.

Table 1. Growers can use existing stocks of the below chlorpyrifos products through June 30, 2025, for canceled crops.

Commercial name


Pilot 4E, Pilot 15G


Chlorpyrifos 4EC

Tide International

Chlorpyrifos 4E AG, Quali-Pro Chlorpyrifos 4E




Liberty Chlorpyrifos 4E


Drexel Chlorpyrifos 15G,


Drexel Chlorpyrifos 4E-AG


Drexel Chlorpyrifos 15GR


Drexel Chlorpyrifos 4E-AG2


Warhawk, Warhawk Clearform


Most asparagus uses have not been canceled, and remain legal to use according to the label. Asparagus is one of 11 uses that the EPA’s new rule proposes to retain. These proposed uses also include alfalfa, apple, cherry (tart), peach and sugarbeet. Other proposed uses, such as soybeans, wheat, strawberry, citrus and cotton, are proposed to be allowed in other states, but not Michigan (allowances are state specific). Further decisions at the state level could affect what uses are allowable.


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