Upcoming Northern Grapes Project presentation on training systems
Vertical shoot positioning and top wire cordon training systems for hybrid grape vines will be discussed during the Northern Grapes Project webinar on Feb. 10, 2015.
Interested hybrid grape vine growers will benefit from tuning into an upcoming free webinar, “Comparing and Contrasting Vertical Shoot Positioning and Top Wire Cordon Training Systems,” hosted by the Northern Grapes Project, on Feb. 10, 2015. This webinar is intended for both new and established grape growers.
Speakers will be Bob Utter of Flying Otter Vineyard and Winery in Adrian, Michigan; John Thull of the University of Minnesota; and Tim Martinson of Cornell University. The advantages and disadvantages of the two most commonly used training systems will be discussed as well as how to convert vines from one system to the other. There will also be discussion of training system trials done at Cornell University with two super-hardy hybrids, Marquette and Frontenac.
Vertical shoot positioning training system.
All Northern Grapes Project webinars are offered twice, 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. EST. Attendees are encouraged to bring questions or comments on their experience with the two training systems with hybrid grapes.
Webinars are a way for people to do live presentations of information remotely to anyone with a high-speed Internet connection, an email address and working speakers. Attendees need only register online. All who registered will be sent a URL in advance of the event; the URL can be pasted into any web browser. Slides will be shown on-screen with speakers coming through the audio, and a chat box in the corner will allow anyone watching to post questions during the presentation or afterwards.
Two additional webinars are scheduled for this year’s Northern Grapes Project webinar series. “Tannin Addition and Retention in Red Hybrid Wines” by Anna Katharine Mansfield of Cornell University will take place March 10, and “Branding Studies for Cold Climate Wines” by Bill Gartner of the University of Minnesota will be April 15. To join the Northern Grapes Project mailing list to stay updated on future webinars, send an email on their Contact Us page.