Understanding the Land Division Act: Roles, responsibilities and real scenarios
The Land Division Act can cause splitting headaches for all parties involved. This two-part webinar series offers relief by explaining the roles and responsibilities of local officials when reviewing requests to divide land in Michigan.
Make sure to register for upcoming training offered by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). EGLE, in conjunction with Michigan State University Extension and the Garfield Township, Grand Traverse County, Assessor, will host a two-part webinar series, “Understanding the Land Division Act: Roles, Responsibilities and Real Scenarios.”
This two-part webinar series will expose local officials to key terms and concepts, roles and responsibilities, and processes and standards related to the Land Division Act (LDA), as amended. Presenters will detail which local officials are responsible for what aspects of review and approval under the LDA and provide a brief overview of other means of developing real property, including the subdivision and condominium development processes. The program will also cover how the EGLE Administrative Rules (R560.401 et seq.) regarding onsite water supply and sewage disposal apply to various development scenarios.
Audience: Local officials with responsibility for land division (assessors), onsite wastewater (local environmental health department staff), zoning (zoning administrators) and building code reviews and permitting (inspectors).
Understanding the Land Division Act: Roles, Responsibilities, and Real Scenarios - Part 1
March 4, 2025: 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Part 1 will introduce the Land Division Act and other statutes regulating the development and partitioning of real property. Participants will become familiar with the land division portion of the statute, including key definitions and sections regulating the number, configuration, and timing of new parcels. The webinar will highlight the local process of reviewing applications to divide land and detail best practices for doing so. The training focuses on participants knowing the statutory limits of land division review and highlights who is responsible for doing what and who to contact.
Understanding the Land Division Act: Roles, Responsibilities, and Real Scenarios - Part 2
March 5, 2025: 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Part 2 is designed to be an advanced program tailored to local environmental health department staff when reviewing parcels for on-site water supply and sewage disposal. Participants will gain insights in applying EGLE Michigan Part 4 Administrative Rules relative to various real-world case studies. The webinar will cover the importance of documentation and communication with other local officials involved in the review of development proposals.