Tuesday night Southwest Small Fruit IPM Meetings megin April 1, 2025

These weekly updates will be held virtually and will keep growers current on small fruit pest and disease developments throughout the season while offering an opportunity to earn RUP credits.

red berries in front of green leaves
Blackberries at Plymouth Orchards on June27, 2024. Photo by Derek Plotkowski

Fruit growers, consultants and industry representatives are encouraged to join Derek Plotkowski, Mike Reinke and Cheyenne Sloan weekly from April 1 to the end of June to discuss timely small fruit IPM issues. They will share their scouting results from visiting local fields and vineyards to help Michigan growers stay up to date on local crop conditions and pests and diseases to be prepared for in Southwest and Southeast Michigan. Much like the Monday night IPM updates in the past, Derek, Mike and Cheyenne’s presentations will focus on their findings from that day along with relevant presentations from MSU faculty and specialists. These meetings will take place exclusively over Zoom. Recordings will be available after the meetings for those who cannot attend live. The recordings are NOT eligible for RUP credits.

This year’s meetings begin Monday, April 1 and will run from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and will continue weekly at the same time until the end of June.

These meetings are for all fruit growers, consultants and industry representatives. They include a review of current conditions in Michigan’s southern lower peninsula fruit plantings and look at upcoming concerns in fruit production and pest management with an emphasis on weather forecasts, crop development and emerging insect and disease issues. Topics vary depending on the week and conditions. Growers are invited to email photos of plant and insect specimens ahead of time for diagnosis during the meeting. Information from these meetings is shared with other fruit growers and consultants with weekly reports that can be found on the MSU Extension Fruit and Nuts page.

To attend virtually, you will need to register in advance. Follow this link to register:

Tuesday Evening Fruit Meeting Registration

Shortly before each meeting, you will be sent an email with the link to get into the meeting. These meetings will be conducted using Zoom software. Please visit the Zoom website to get familiar with this system.

For any questions or difficulties, contact Cheyenne Sloan at sloanche@msu.edu.

Two Michigan pesticide applicator recertification credit for private and commercial fruit (core and 1C) will be available for each meeting for those who attend live through Zoom.

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