Plant science at the dinner table: Strawberries

Spoiler alert: strawberries are not true berries, like blueberries or grapes.

Strawberries on the plant
Photo credit: Pixabay.

Strawberries: an early summer favorite that arrives with the warm weather, anticipation and delight. From the sweet aroma to the bright red fruits, nothing is quite as tasty as the first bite of a fresh Michigan strawberry. With backyard gardens, U-Pick farms and farmer’s markets brimming with freshly picked strawberries, it’s a ripe and tasty time for learning more about strawberries, how they grow and where they come from. In fact, strawberry plant science can make a great summertime activity for young and old.

Michigan State University Extension offers you a few fun strawberry facts:

  • Strawberries are not true berries, like blueberries or grapes. Technically, berries must have seeds on the inside. Not only are strawberry seeds on the outside, each seed you see on the outside of the fruit is actually classified by botanists (plant scientists) as a separate fruit, each containing its own seed.
  • Strawberries (genus Fragaria) are members of the Rosaceae (Rose) family.
  • Native strawberries were reported to have been found on the coastlines of both North and South America.
  • Native strawberries were taken from Chile to France in 1712. They were crossed with European strawberries, resulting in the large strawberries we eat today.
  • Strawberries grow in every state in the U.S. and every province in Canada.
  • Native Americans ate strawberries fresh or baked in cornbread.
  • Ancient Romans thought strawberries had medicinal properties and used them to treat depression, fever, kidney stones, bad breath and sore throats.
  • Strawberries are perennial, coming up year after year, and bear fruit for about five years.
  • Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside of the fruit. The average strawberry has about 200 seeds.
  • Americans eat an average of three and a half pounds of fresh strawberries each year and another two pounds of frozen berries.
  • Strawberries are low in calories. In one cup of strawberries there are 55 calories.
  • Strawberries have high levels of nitrate. This increases blood and oxygen flow to the muscles. Research shows that people who eat strawberries before exercising have greater endurance and burn more calories.
  • Eight strawberries provide 140% of the daily recommended Vitamin C for kids.
  • Strawberries are high in Vitamins C, B6 and K, as well as fiber, folic acid, potassium and amino acids.
  • Some research has shown strawberries reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

To learn more about strawberries, including scientific explanations of the parts of a strawberry with great pictures, visit the Strawberries for Strawberry Lovers website.

Cook-A-Doodle-Doo cover“Cook-A-Doodle-Doo!” by Janet Stevens and Susan Steven Crummel is a great book to read to children during strawberry season. In this book, four animal friends set out to make strawberry shortcake, even though none of the animals know how to cook. The story is full of funny animal antics as they make what they call the “most magnificent shortcake.” A recipe at the end of the story is provided so you too can make the most magnificent shortcake with your kiddos.

I hope reading this has got your taste buds tingling and you are ready to get some fresh Michigan strawberries. If you do not have strawberries growing in your garden, a U-Pick farm is likely nearby, check out U-Pick locations near you. Enjoy June and some Michigan strawberries!

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