Registration for State of the Lake event ending soon
Don’t forget to register for State of the Lake: A Tri-state Water Quality Discussion before Feb. 22 since space availability is limited.
Since the 2014 Toledo’s water crisis, a lot has been said about the Lake Erie algae bloom issue, and the local agriculture community, in general, has been taking the blame for being responsible for the generation of nonpoint sources pollution. (Nonpoint sources are associated with the interaction of land use activities and the hydrological cycle).
To help the local community and farmers at the western Lake Erie basin have a better understanding of why dissolved phosphorus is such a problem for Lake Erie and what you can do to minimize it, Michigan State University Extension, Ohio State University Extension and Purdue Extension are partnering to bring to southeast Michigan the State of the Lake: A Tri-State Water Quality Discussion on Feb. 26, 2019, from 5-8 p.m. at the Hillsdale County MSU Extension office, 20 Care Dr # B, Hillsdale, MI 49242.
Chris Winslow will be talking about the over 50 projects currently managed by Ohio Sea Grant and OSU’s Stone Laboratory with assistance from the University of Toledo. These research efforts aim to: improve detection of harmful algae blooms and understanding toxin production; assess the health impacts of harmful algae blooms and their associated toxins; develop new treatment methods for contaminated drinking water; and assess the ability of land use changes to reduce nutrient inputs into aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, talks will highlight nutrient sources today, our understanding of agricultural nutrient losses, effective best management practices, farmer decisions, possible strategies to move toward a 40 percent phosphorus reduction, and information gaps and research needs. Extension educators from the tri-state area will be covering topics related to the newly revised tri-state fertility recommendations, nutrient management fine-tuning and the impact of cover crops on phosphorus.
Ohio Category 15 (Fert Recert), Indiana PARP, CCHA and three CCA credits will be offered for this program. Registration fee is $20 and includes dinner and resources. Register online before Feb. 22 at State of the Lake: A Tri-State Water Quality Discussion.