Spring is a great time to start exercising
Consider outdoor and indoor alternatives to keep moving consistently this Spring.
Here we are again at the beginning of April which means soon we will be able to get outside and start enjoying longer days and warmer weather. In Michigan, it is a long time coming. “Northern Michiganders,” enjoy and appreciate the spring more than any other residents of our great state. This is the time of year we enjoy being outside and participating in outdoor exercise and activities such as walking, riding a bike, playing with our children and grandchildren and enjoying the company of others we have not seen since last fall. All these activities are safer with clearer roads in warmer weather. The fresh air and movement not only is good for you physically but mentally the spring gives most of us a true lift.
Unfortunately, the spring is not completely clear of storms which means there will be some days when we cannot be outside due to this inclement weather. With this in mind, it is always a good idea to have an indoor alternative to your outdoor exercise routine. What are some of the activities you enjoy and are considered safe? In Crawford County, our residents have the opportunity to swim indoors at one of the local hotels two days a week. We also have a safe walking club at the Elementary school Monday through Friday. The library has fitness DVD’s and videos you can check out to exercise in the comfort of your home on gloomy days. When choosing a video, remember there are a variety of ability levels, so choose a video or DVD appropriate for you.
If you do not regularly exercise, or do not like physical activity, ask a friend to walk with you, or listen to music while you exercise. Try an activity you haven’t done before and you may find out it is enjoyable. If you feel you just don’t have time to exercise, first remember the benefits of exercise such as better breathing, better mental and physical health and just feeling healthier. Then break down your routine into perhaps three ten minute sessions a day. You do not have to walk for 30 minutes a day. You can exercise in increments and it is still very good for you! Plan a walk or exercise session with a family member or a good friend. This should encourage you to never to give up.
Keep in mind you do not have to be a sweaty mess to benefit from exercise. Sweating is not dangerous, it is just part of your body’s natural response to exertion. As the days get warmer you may want to bring a cool damp towel with you to help cool off. You can put the cool towel around the base of your neck and that will help cool down your body.
Keep moving. The more you move the better you will feel and the healthier you will be.