Signs of stem canker showing up in soybeans
Use proper disease management now to prevent stem canker and related problems from the Diaporthe-Phomopsis complex from spreading to next year’s crop.
Recently, dead or dying soybean plants with petioles and leaves still attached, as well as live plants with stem lesions, have been noted in some fields. Stem canker caused by fungi in the Diaporthe-Phomopsis complex are the causal agents. There are several species within this complex that can cause stem canker, pod and stem blight and Phomopsis seed decay. Back in the 1950s, there was a widespread outbreak of stem canker in the north central region that was believed to be associated with the widespread use of highly susceptible soybean cultivars.
Stem canker can easily be confused with Phytophthora stem rot. One of the key differences is the location of lesions. Phytophthora will produce a brown to black lesion on the stem that initiates from below the soil line, while stem canker will produce lesions that initiate around nodes, appear sunken and may girdle the stem. Stem blight caused by the Diaporthe-Phomopsis may also be evident as linear rows of black specs (fungal fruiting bodies) on the stem, and at maturity, Phomopsis-infected seeds may be noted, which will appear cracked and shriveled with a white, chalky mold.
For disease management, use resistant or moderately resistant cultivars. If tillage is an option, it will reduce the survival and spread of spores onto next year’s crop. Use certified seed free of Phomopsis -- seed treatments except metalaxyl/mefenoxam may provide some protection, particularly of seedborne inoculum.
If you would like a sample analyzed, please ship six or more symptomatic plants (including root system) to the following address. Please include your contact information and sample location.
Martin Chilvers
Department of Plant Pathology
35c Plant Biology Bldg
178 Wilson Road
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Cell: 517-898-3049
For more information, visit Plant Health Initiative’s website on northern stem canker.