PSM Soil team kicks up the dust at the recent ASA Region 3 Soils Contest
Along with Coach Wessel, the team includes Bernie Frantz and Chris Baish as assistant coaches, and the Soil Judgers who competed were Isabella Rabac, Ben Bridge, Grace Beem, and Andrew Wade.
“We had a blast!” Coach Barret Wessel said of the recent journey to the ASA Region 3 Soils Contest at Purdue University in mid October.

Wessel’s team placed 8th of 9 in “overall by school,” beating the Ohio State “which has entered a team every year for decades!,” Wessel said. As well, the team placed 6th out of 9 in “Group judging,” in which the team describes soils together.
“Not bad for the first MSU team in something like 50 years!,” Wessel said. We didn’t qualify for the national competition next semester, but I will teach the class again this spring as CSS 491 Special Topics in Soil Morphology of West Michigan. And we plan to return in the fall 2024 semester for the next regional competition.”

MSU CSS Agronomy Club Scores in Tri-Soc Poster Competition

MSU started the Tri-Societies SSSA meeting on the right foot—They scored second place in the SASES Tri Societies Undergraduate program in the national competition.