Pre-college programs broaden horizons and create a college-going culture

Pre-college programs serve an important purpose for postsecondary institutions and communities by offering K-12 students opportunities to prepare academically and socially for higher education.

Young women sitting cross legged on the floor.
Image by: Business Institute by Pixabay

According to a Georgetown University study from the Center on Education and the Workforce, by the year 2031, over 72% of jobs in the United States will require post-secondary education or training. The State of Michigan has a goal of having 60% of adults in possession of a post-secondary credential by 2030. Through pre-college programming, postsecondary institutions significantly assist with the effort to better prepare students for college.

The term “pre-college” refers to college access and preparation programs. Pre-college programs can be found at postsecondary institutions across the country. Pre-college programs offer K-12 students opportunities to prepare academically and socially for higher education, provide a pipeline for K-12 students, and allow students to experience campus living and learning. Learning in a university setting can further increase motivation toward and preparation for higher education among youth. In Michigan, pre-college/university summer camps are offered by many different four-year public, four-year private and two-year public postsecondary institutions each summer.

Pre-college programs impact the lives of many families and are a valuable service to communities as they help create a college-going culture. Youth participants get excited about going to college, think about future career fields, and gain important life skills that can help them transition successfully to college when the time comes. Students and their families also become more informed about the host institution and begin to consider what type of college, university or post-secondary educational institute is appropriate for them.

Pre-college programming also offers significant benefits to postsecondary institutions as they can serve as a powerful recruiting tool and can be used to promote specific majors. Academic departments have an advantage when identifying talented prospective students early on through pre-college programs that allow youth a chance to develop interest and skill in a specific area of study. Another benefit to postsecondary institutions is that pre-programs serve as an important source of revenue during the summer months when the undergraduate student population is reduced.

Pre-college programs build developmental assets, increase college aspirations and improve college readiness. The efforts to prepare Michigan’s youth for their post-secondary educational experiences benefits Michigan’s workforce development and long-range economic impact.

Michigan State University Extension is involved in pre-college programming by offering 4-H programs throughout the year that provide youth with hands-on learning and pre-college experiences. To learn more about Michigan 4-H Youth Program pre-college programs, check out one of the following sites or contact your local MSU Extension Office.

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