PRCI Will Launch Activities in Africa at Meeting in Uganda
On November 22nd and 23rd, PRCI will bring together over 40 researchers and development professionals across 14 African agricultural policy research institutes, their umbrella body (and PRCI consortium member) the Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI), Cornell and Michigan State University in the U.S., and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to officially launch its activities on the continent. This Internal Lab Launch Consultation will begin the process of grounding PRCI’s global research agenda in local realities, to ensure that the research that the Lab supports is useful to local policy makers at the same time that it “adds up” to a cohesive and relevant agenda addressing global development issues. A fully locally grounded global research agenda for year 1 of the Lab will be communicated to stakeholders by late February, 2020.
Newly Selected Centers for Policy Leadership Will Join the Process
During these meetings, the three Centers for Policy Leadership that PRCI recently chose in a competitive process, The Bureau of Macroeconomic Analysis (BAME) of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research, The Economic Policy Research Center of Uganda, and the Center for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law together with the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (DAERD) in Nigeria will begin reviewing their capacity development plans and conducting further internal assessments, and will schedule the multi-day capacity development workshops that PRCI capacity development staff will carry out with them during the first quarter of 2020.
More Information
Look to the PRCI website for further updates in coming months on the progress of PRCI’s locally grounded global research agenda and its capacity building plans.