Pesticide manual review and exam in Eaton County set for March 8
The pesticide manual review session is a helpful training exercise for the MDARD certification exam to become licensed applicators.
Michigan State University Extension will be offering a pesticide manual review to mid-Michigan clientele on March 8, 2017, at the Eaton County MSU Extension office in Charlotte, Michigan, from 8 a.m. to noon. This review is intended to help prepare participants for the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) pesticide applicator certification exams. Attendance to the review session is optional and not required to take the MDARD exam. Those attending the review session only will receive four MDARD recertification credits.
The review session will cover most of the chapters of the pesticide core manual. Emphasize will be to prepare participants for the test using multiple choice practice questions on an interactive basis.
The regular MDARD certification exam will be held after the review session beginning at 1 p.m. If you plan to take the MDARD exam, be prepared to pay by check (no cash or credit cards) payable to State of Michigan. The fee for private applicators is $50 and for commercial applicators is $75.
To register for the review session, please call 517-543-2310. The cost is $30 and includes lunch and refreshments. Online registration is not available.
This registration does not include study manuals. You can order the study manuals “National Applicator Core Training Manual and Michigan Private Applicator Addendum” (E3007KITP) or “National Applicator Core Training Manual and Michigan Commercial Applicator Addendum” (E3008KITC) at the MSU Extension website.