Pesticide manual review class offered in Lenawee County
Participants can prepare for the pesticide applicator certification exam by attending an optional review class on Feb. 20, 2019, in Adrian, Michigan.
Michigan State University Extension in southeast Michigan will be offering a pesticide manual review class at the Lenawee County MSU Extension office in Adrian, Michigan, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Feb. 20, 2019.
This review class is intended to help prepare participants for the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) pesticide applicator certification exams. This is an optional review session and you are not required to take this class in order to take the MDARD exam. Those attending the review session will receive MDARD recertification credits (four RUP credits for a four-hour class). This is also a MAEAP phase 1 event that can be used towards your farm’s verification.
The regular MDARD certification exam will be held at multiple locations around the state. Check the MDARD Online Pesticide Exam Scheduling website for more information about exams dates. If you plan to take the MDARD exam, be prepared to pay by check (no cash or credit cards) payable to the State of Michigan. The fee is $50 for private applicators and $75 for commercial applicators.
MDARD requires you register for the exam session by scheduling an appointment online or calling 1-800-292-3939. MDARD does not accept walk-ins or late arrivals. Spaces are limited, so schedule your exam as soon as possible. A photo identification is also required.
To register for the Lenawee County pesticide review class, call the Lenawee County MSU Extension office at 517-264-5300 or register online.
This registration does not include study manuals. You can download a free copy of the National Applicator Core Training Manual (without private or commercial applicator Michigan addendum) or order the “National Applicator Core Training Manual & Michigan Private Applicator Addendum” (E3007KITP) or “National Applicator Core Training Manual and Michigan Commercial Applicator Addendum” (E3008KITC) through the National Pesticide Safety Education Center Store website.