Outdoor Adventure Camp: Part 3
Outdoor Adventure Camp: Part 3
Outdoor Adventure Challenge Camp Comes to a Close
The Tollgate OAC campers of our first ever advanced survival camp continued on their wilderness expedition with gusto as they traveled to the Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center Wednesday to experience the high ropes course there. With courage and tenacity, campers, stewards, and leaders braved the Leap of Faith, climbing a very tall pole on large staples only to leap off a small platform. Climbing to the top of a giant rope ladder, campers maneuvered through several sections of high rope challenges. The zip line provided a thrilling finale to the course in the trees but the group went on to brave a water tube challenge where each team needed to try to fill tall but leaky PVC tubes. The water relay ended with cheers and laughter and many very wet players.
Thursday, campers continued to work on building their shelters in the forest to protect themselves from the harsh elements on the alien planet. After making G.O.R.P. trail mix for their morning snacks including the fruit leather they had made Monday, campers went on to a canoe relay race challenge. Each team had to try to get their big sponge (aka Dead Fish) to or from the ‘basket’ a large hula hoop slid through pool noodles. With much camaraderie and a good share of healthy competition, the Campfires and Backpacks ended the race with a fairly close finish. After some teambuilding exercises, the rock wall arrived and hardworking and agile campers clamored up the heights of the ‘cliffs on Mars’, skillfully led by the Oakland County Parks and Rec staff. OAC campers used strength and skill to climb the heights, trying and often reaching the top.
A foraging hike resulted in tasting lot of specialties courtesy of nature, including wild grapes and cattails. Immediately after camp, campers heard speaker Tom and Cleo from the DNR describe their work with Fisheries and Wildlife and the enforcement arm of the agency. Campers then set up their tents and prepared their foil dinners and cooked them over the campfire. An orienteering quest followed as campers completed a challenging scavenger hunt by taking bearings to reach their goals.
This unique Tollgate Farm camp overnight included a night hike into the forest sans lights. Kicking off with the famous pirate story about why pirates wear eye patches, the group learned about the amazing features of night vision. Staying as a unit, the group traveled all the way to the ‘green bench’, trusting Mr. Julian’s able leadership.
Our exhilarating and empowering week of camp ended with a morning film-making projects where we explored the seven Leave No Trace principles. The week ended as OAC campers joined younger pepper groups to play Red Planet Rescue a version of Capture the Flag where each group must rescue one of their team members from their downed spacecraft at five different stations around the farm. The OAC campers were a strong, hardy bunch who rose to many challenges and who left the farm with new friends and great memories of our time together!