A mountain of a scientific confab in Minneapolis

Three reasons to register now for the Key Contact Workshop of the Mountain Research Initiative, Saturday, Aug. 3.Why should you join the MRI pre-conference workshop for scientists working in mountain regions?

Three reasons to register now for the Key Contact Workshop of the Mountain Research Initiative, Saturday, Aug. 3.

Why should you join the MRI pre-conference workshop for scientists working in mountain regions?

  • Your colleagues: to meet ecologists who are interested in mountains.
  • Your work: to discuss your research focus and your ideas.
  • Your palate: to enjoy really good food.

The meeting, just before the Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, will be at the Minneapolis Mill City Museum.

The workshop offers a setting that stimulates interdisciplinary thinking and allows peers to take a fresh look at each other's research.

To register:

  1. Email mri@giub.unibe.ch with a simple “yes” attaching a digital photo of yourself.
  2. Go to the online form to fill out your Research Summary

Deadline for registration: July 18.

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