Message from Quentin Tyler on International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Quentin Tyler, associate dean and director of diversity, equity and inclusion, outlines the importance of DEI efforts in international work.

The CANR is a diverse and culturally rich college. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a key pillar of our international programs. This diversity is represented across several levels – countries served, nationalities represented, types of programs offered, disciplines covered, as well as gender equity.
The DEI program collaborates with CANR international programs in ensuring that goals are achieved. In 2020, special webinars were conducted to listen to and support international students and faculty members during the COVID-19 pandemic and during pre- and post-U.S. national elections to help address issues and concerns of our international community.
We will continue to explore ways to embrace and adopt diversity, equity and inclusion policies and best practices. A special event “Intercultural CANR” is planned for March 2021. The DEI program will continue to strengthen collaboration with CANR international programs.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an important part of who we are as CANR and who we will be moving forward. True DEI involves collaboration and partnerships, such as the ones we have developed with CANR international programs. We recognize that our efforts and reach in CANR are global, so it is important that we educate on our differences and similarities, while also creating a diverse, welcoming and supportive space for all to thrive and be successful.
Quentin Tyler, Ph.D.
Associate Dean and Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion