Message from Kelly Millenbah on International Education and Training
Kelly Millenbah, CANR senior associate dean and director of academic and student affairs, discusses how the college values international education and training.

International education remains a cornerstone of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at MSU. The education portfolio includes degree programs, certificate programs, short courses and online courses. In 2019, 380 international students were enrolled in various academic programs of CANR. Out of these, 159 undergraduate students came from 26 countries and 221 post-graduate students came from 53 countries.
CANR academic programs have initiated new educational opportunities with universities in Asia. After many years of development, we are proud of our newly formed partnership with Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China. This collaboration has created dual undergraduate degrees in Food Science and Biosystem Engineering, as well as four dual degree programs at the graduate level.
CANR continues to explore new models of agricultural higher education for the global community. Due to COVID-19 pandemic related challenges, CANR faculty members converted all their courses and offered them online through virtual platforms. Our summer international short courses were also offered through virtual platforms. During this pandemic, in collaboration with our international partners, we have shared our experiences and best practices in agricultural higher education through global webinars and guest lectures.
We look forward to innovative educational partnerships in the future.
Kelly Millenbah, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean and Director, Academic and Student Affairs