Meet Global Biotech Potato Partnership TAB members Jonathan Jones and Muffy Koch
The Global Biotech Potato Partnership introduces Technical Advisory Board members Jones and Koch.
The Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership technical advisory board (TAB) reviews the quality and pertinence of the science and technologies used in the project and provides strategic guidance on multiple topics, including advocacy, communication, fundraising, risk mitigation, and ethical issues. In this newsletter, we introduce TAB members Jonathan Jones and Muffy Koch.
Jonathan Jones - Sainsbury Laboratory
Jonathan D G Jones is a plant molecular geneticist who has made distinctive contributions to understanding how plants resist disease, and to how pathogens circumvent host immune mechanisms.
Since 1988, Jonathan has worked at the Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK. He was elected member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) in 1998, Fellow of Royal Society in 2003 and International Member of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2015. In 2012 he was awarded the U Minnesota Stakman prize. He is a Professor at the University of East Anglia. He has served as advisor to the Danforth Centre in St Louis and is an advisor to the 2Blades Foundation and to KAUST in Saudi Arabia.
Muffy Koch - Simplot Plant Sciences
Muffy Koch is a senior regulatory manager at the J.R. Simplot Company and has 34 years of experience in the regulation and safety assessment of genetically modified organisms.
She was educated and trained in South Africa, as a botanist and microbiologist and is now based in Boise, Idaho where she works to confirm the safety of new potato varieties.