Matted lawns and snow mold injury
Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.
Coming out of winter it is typical that some lawns may have snow mold injury and overall there are certainly areas where the turf is very matted. In most cases, the snow mold has probably not killed the turf but has simply killed the leaf tissue. The two options for dealing with snow mold or matted lawns are to either use a leaf rake to remove the dead leaf tissue and open up the canopy to allow the new growth to sprout through or to go back inside and sit down and let the grass poke through on its own. Option one will probably get the grass back growing a little quicker and will help you knock off the rust from your raking skills. Be patient this time of year, as the soil warms the turf will start to grown. Until we get some real soil warming the turf, your lawn may seem very slow to recover from any damage from the winter.