Marketing update scheduled for thumb

Grain and dairy markets will be the focus of a meeting set for Tuesday, April 26 from 10 a.m. – noon. Farms can attend the live session or log in for a live web-feed.

Commodity markets have adjusted to levels that require farms to monitor more closely for the sometimes short rallies that provide pricing opportunities. Gone for now are the commodity prices that everyone found profitable in the crops or livestock that they produced. With many production costs increasing over the past several years, farms will need to budget carefully to maintain reasonable profits. One enterprise that is under real market pressure would be the dairy market. 2016’s market prices have squeezed out profits for many farms. Chris Wolf will be taking a look ahead to the summer and fall of 2016 to see if any relief can be foreseen regarding the milk market.

Registered participants will receive an email notice following the live broadcast that will provide them the link to view a recording of the meeting, providing them the flexibility to view the webinar 24/7, whenever it best fits their schedule. To register, visit the Michigan State University Extension events registration webpage by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 25.


  • 10 - 10:45 a.m., Jim Hilker, Commodity Marketing Specialist at Michigan State University, will cover the grain market update.
  • 10:45 a.m. - noon, Chris Wolf, Dairy Specialist at Michigan State University, will cover the dairy market update.

Following these presentations, I will cover current topics related to farms located in the Saginaw Valley area of Michigan. 

For more information or additional details about this workshop or other farm management questions please feel free to contact me, MSU Extension Farm Business Management educator, at or by phone at 989-672-3870 

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