Legume Lab Announces Winners of Starter Grants from Grant Writing Workshop Activity
A total of six legume researchers in West and Southern Africa were recently awarded starter grants in the funding component of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research managed by Michigan State University.
Two cohorts of 20 researchers each, participated in a two-week virtual grant writers training workshop led by Mark Bayer of Bayer Strategic Consulting. The researchers were selected in a competitive process from over 70 concept notes submitted. After completing the workshop, the participants expanded their concept notes to full proposals incorporating the skills learned through their training. Six proposals were selected to receive the starter grant funds for legume research. The winners along with their project title and country of activity are listed below.
From West Africa
Toyin Ajibade – “Enhancing gender inclusivity in legume value chain with market-based ICT support services” – Nigeria
Selorm Yaotse Dorvlo – “Design and performance evaluation of a small-scale cowpea combine harvester” – Ghana
Richard Atinpoore Atuna - “Improving the nutritional qualities and utilization of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) using household-level processing methods” – Ghana
Southern Africa
Madalitso Chambukira – “Gendered impact of market participation on household's nutritional outcomes: Panel data evidence from pigeon peas, cowpeas and common beans producers in rural Malawi” – Malawi
Swivia Moonga Hamabwe - “Identification of faster cooking yellow common bean genotypes with non-darkening seed coat and superior nutritional profile” – Zambia
Rogério Marcos Chiulele – “Identifying determinants of adoption and use of improved varieties and good quality seed of cowpea in Mozambique” – Mozambique
The Legume Systems Innovation Lab congratulates all forty researchers who participated in the Grant Writers Workshop and Starter Grant Competition.