Life cycle assessment of polyethylene packaging and alternatives on the European market

A collaborative effort among Circular Analytic, ExxonMobil, and Michigan State University School of Packaging on evaluating the potential environmental footprint of polyethylene packaging and alternative materials in the European market.

Our results show that PE-packaging showed lower GWP emission in 34 of 50 applications for Europe, substitution of PE-packaging would lead to additional 6,96 mio tons of GHG emissions, and substitution of PE-packaging would increase weight by at least 244 %.
Our results show that PE-packaging showed lower GWP emission in 34 of 50 applications for Europe, substitution of PE-packaging would lead to additional 6,96 mio tons of GHG emissions, and substitution of PE-packaging would increase weight by at least 244 %.

Life cycle assessment of polyethylene packaging and alternatives on the European market

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