Making customer connections in cover crops: Join the cover crop service provider directory
Developing a resource for landowners in Michigan to easily access cover crop seed and service providers.
Calling all cover crop related businesses! Submit your information to Michigan State University Extension’s (MSU Extension) cover crop service provider directory. The directory can help increase your business’s visibility and connect you with customers. The published directory will be available on the MSU Extension Cover Crops website and that information will be provided back to the business. Advertisement of the list will occur through MSU Extension news and social media once the first version is published. We will publish the first version May 1, but it will be periodically updated throughout the season.

Who should submit? Any cover crop related business:
- Cover crop seed sales
- Custom cover crop seeding (drilling, aerial, UAV, etc.)
- Cover crop consultation (seed selection, management, etc.)
- Cover crop seed cleaning
- Custom mixtures
How does it work?
- Fill out the form as completely as possible.
- MSU Extension will follow up to confirm details.
- If any changes need to be made, contact
If you would like to see an example of a similar resource, check out this Illinois Cover Crop Seed Dealer Directory from the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership. This new resource will provide a clear and concise list for landowners so that they are better connected with cover crop providers in their area. Our goal with the cover crop directory is to increase the adoption of cover crops in Michigan.
For concerns or questions, please contact Monica Jean at or Madelyn Celovsky at