Join MSU Extension and fellow hop growers for the MSU Hop Chat Series

Join the hop community twice a month from May to August for in-season discussions of all things hop-related.

Hop cone.
Photo by Rob Sirrine, MSU Extension

Michigan State University Extension will be hosting a series of interactive Hop Chat Zoom meetings during the 2025 growing season to allow easy communication between producers and Michigan State University (MSU) faculty. These informal, twice-a-month sessions will include crop and pest updates from MSU Extension’s Rob Sirrine and Erin Lizotte. In addition, MSU faculty and specialists will drop in to address timely issues and provide research project updates. Bring your field notes too! We want to hear what’s going on in your hopyard. The cost to attend is free but registration is required.

 Register for the MSU Hop Chat Series

The MSU Hop Chat Series will begin Thursday, May 15 at 12 p.m. and run every other week through Aug. 7. Even if you cannot make the 12 p.m. meetings, please register so you can view the live recording at your leisure on the MSU Hop News Facebook page.

2025 session dates

Note: All sessions begin at 12 p.m.

  • May 15
  • May 29
  • June 12
  • June 26
  • July 10
  • July 24
  • Aug. 7

We strive to ensure our programs are open to all. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested before the event by contacting Rob Sirrine at to make the arrangements. Requests will be met when possible.

Visit the MSU Extension Hops website for more information and don’t forget to sign up for the MSU Hop Newsletter. Be sure to check the MSU Hop News Facebook page as well.


This material is based on work supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Crop Protection Pest Management Program. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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