It was a good day to be a Spartan in Alabama
MSU is Reserve Champion Team at the Southeastern Livestock Exposition!
The MSU Livestock Judging Team competed in the Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest at the Southeastern Livestock Exposition March 7, 2019. The team was Reserve Champion Team! In addition, the team was Champion Team Cattle, Reserve Team Reasons, Reserve Team Sheep, and 3rd in Swine. Individual results: Brady Littlefield was High Individual Cattle, 6th Overall, 3rd in Reasons, and 7th in Swine; Rebecca Herzog was 7th Overall, 6th in Reasons, and 2nd in Hogs; Kollin Johnson was 9th in Sheep/Goats; and Brad Chapman was 8th in Cattle. Additional team members include Tommy Littlefield, Katie Romzeck, Ty Cool and Zac Hultink.
Chastin Leggett is coach. Assistants: Ethan Douglass, Brendan Johnson, and Tawnie DeJoung.