It’s time to consider grape mealybug control
Watch this video to learn more the biology and management of grape mealybug.
If you are growing vinifera grapes in Michigan, the post-bloom period is a good time to think about your mealybug management plan. Thanks to funding from the Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council, a short video is available, “Biology and Management of Grape Mealybug,” that provides information on the biology and control of grape mealybug, a vector of grapevine leafroll virus.
In “Biology and Management of Grape Mealybug,” you’ll learn about identifying mealybugs in your vineyard, the seasonal pattern of mealybug population growth and the importance of the relationship between ants and mealybugs. We also provide information on using Movento right after bloom, which is an effective option for chemical control of mealybug.
To access “Biology and Management of Grape Mealybug” and other wine grape research videos on a variety of topics, go to the Michigan State University Extension Grapes Research page or see below.
- Watch video: Biology and Management of Grape Mealybug by Keith Mason, MSU Department of Entomology
- Watch video: Control and Management of Sour Rot and Volatile Acidity in Vinifera Grapes Grown in Michigan by Josh VanderWeide, MSU Department of Horticulture
- Watch video: Michigan Vineyard IPM Extension Program by Rufus Isaacs, MSU Department of Entomology
- Watch video: Water Uses in Wineries by Liesl Eichler Clark, 5 Lakes Energy