Hunting female deer: A better population management strategy
When deer numbers become extremely high, crop damage and the associated yield losses from deer are greater than many producers are willing to tolerate.
Most farmers enjoy the wildlife that resides on their operations. However, when deer numbers become exceedingly high, as they have across much of southern Michigan, crop damage and the associated yield losses from deer are greater than many producers are willing to tolerate. Specialty crops, seed corn and vegetable production are especially vulnerable to deer damage. With recent declines in the number of hunters and lower interest in deer hunting for meat, controlling the deer population has become a pest management issue for farmers.
Over the past 40 years, the deer population in southern Michigan has exploded, increasing nearly 500% from 200,000 to a million deer according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) study, “Population Biology, Abundance, and Management History of Michigan White-tailed Deer.”
The key to lowering deer populations down to manageable levels lies in the removal of females. The MDNR has increased the opportunities for doe removal through early and late antlerless seasons expanded to Jan. 12, 2025, in certain counties with excessive deer populations. Producers working to lower deer populations in their fields have found that expanded hunting seasons are critical in reducing the total number of female deer over the course of the year.
The following are suggestions from crop producers who have had success at reducing deer damage:
- Choose successful hunters whose goal is to harvest does, not bucks.
- Allow a single lead hunter to manage others that will be hunting in the fields to increase success and reduce landowners’ stress and time commitment.
- Control the trespass problem. Having a few good hunters is a safer situation than an uncontrolled hunting access program.
- Tie the right to hunt trophy bucks on the farm to the successful harvest of does. Example: Five does harvested per buck or you will not be asked back next year.
- If you lease farmland hunting rights out to others, make sure you include doe hunting requirements (five to 10 females removed per male harvested).
- Stress the importance of harvesting does, not young bucks. Young bucks are easy victims in the doe hunt. Hunters that cannot differentiate does from button bucks (male fawns less than a year old) are not meeting your goals. Read to the end of article for tips to distinguish does from button bucks.
- Raised hunting stands in areas frequented by deer provide more time to determine males from females, allow two or more hunters to coordinate shots, and often increase the number of days hunters are willing to hunt.
Antlerless deer licenses are available to individual hunters in designated areas to reduce population and may be used on private land with the permission and phone number of the landowner. Starting in 2024, antlerless deer licenses purchased by a hunter may be used on designated public hunting land in some areas.
The 2023 early antlerless season accounted for almost 3,800 harvested deer. Early antlerless seasons not only allow more total days for doe removal but also provide a chance to hunt female deer before they become leery. An early antlerless deer firearm season is scheduled for Sept. 21–22, 2024, on both public and private lands where population is high. Antlerless deer hunting season varies by date and zone.
In addition to the early antlerless season, an extended late antlerless season was created by the MDNR. The extended late season is from Jan. 2-12, 2025, in Allegan, Barry, Bay, Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Jackson, Kent, Lapeer, Lenawee, Livingston, Macomb, Mecosta, Midland, Monroe, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oakland, Ottawa, Saginaw, St. Clair (excluding Deer Management Unit 174), Shiawassee, Wayne and Washtenaw counties; Deer Management Unit (DMU) 311 (Berrien, Cass and Van Buren counties); DMU 312 (Branch, Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties); and DMU 332 (Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola counties). A discounted antlerless license for this extended season will be available for $5 per license with a bag limit of 10.
In many areas of deer overpopulation, Michigan hunters will be able to use firearms to hunt antlerless deer from Nov. 15, 2024, through Jan. 12, 2025, except for the Dec. 1-5 rest period between the traditional gun season and the muzzleloading season. The list of legal weapons used to hunt antlerless deer is dictated by the seasonal requirements and will not differ from the deer hunting regulations. Read the full set of rules and changes in the Michigan Hunting Regulations Summary.
Michigan Deer Management Assistance Permits (DMAP) are available to landowners suffering crop damage. The DMAP program offers antlerless deer permits that can be used during the available deer hunting seasons. The advantage to the DMAP system is that the landowner issues the permits. These permits are purchased in sets of five and can be moved from one hunter to another until filled. DMAP permits do not apply to the individual hunter’s seasonal limits. Applications for the Michigan DMAP program can be obtained by contacting your local MDNR office. A list of office and contact information can be found at the MDNR website.
Deer damage shooting permits are issued by local field offices for crop damage. Michigan producers experiencing crop damage by deer can contact their local office for assistance. Deer damage shooting permits are issued to resolve agricultural or horticultural damage occurring on properties outside of deer hunting seasons. They are only valid outside of deer hunting seasons and within a specified period determined by the local Wildlife Division (WLD) staff. The local staff may make a site visit prior to issuing kill tags to assess the extent of the damage. Individuals who use these permits may keep the harvested deer or donate them, but above all, the carcasses must not go to waste.
For both permits, hunters are required to have a valid Michigan deer hunting license, only antlerless deer can be taken, and the harvested deer must be used. MDNR allows venison to be donated to feed those in need. Visit the MDNR Wild Game Donation Program to find a participating processor near you. Make sure to check with processors before delivering harvested deer.
Northern Indiana crop producers are suffering crop damage due to deer much like Michigan producers. Indiana DNR has an equivalent antlerless deer hunting program to curb deer populations. Indiana producers can begin to explore their options for deer management by filling out the Indiana Wildlife Complaint Form.

MDNR recently added a trial southwestern Michigan program allowing producers to host a refrigerated trailer on their farms for off-season deer carcass collection from deer damage shooting permit holders. Hunters harvest and field dress deer as normal then store them in the refrigerated trailer for collection. The Michigan legislature recently approved funding to expand this program. Watch for updates from your local MDNR office, as the refrigerated trailer/donate venison program may become available in your area in the future.
Crop damage will continue to increase with increased deer populations, hence the need to harvest does. Removing button bucks has not been shown to reduce local future deer populations. If you have unacceptable levels of crop damage, your goal should be to harvest the does and let the young bucks grow. Unfortunately, in 2023 almost all Michigan counties harvested more bucks than does. Changing hunters’ attitudes toward harvesting does is crucial to curbing the deer population.
Successfully identifying and removing female deer without also harvesting a young antlerless buck is challenging but achievable. Several groups of hunters have achieved over a 90% female rate for antlerless permits over the past five or more years.
It may be difficult to differentiate between does and fawn bucks without knowing a few key signs. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and local hunters offer the following hunting tips to help hunters differentiate between button bucks and does.
- Button bucks often travel alone, but adult does rarely do. Wait until several antlerless deer are present before making a harvest decision.
- Comparing multiple deer at the same time can help with identification.
- It is easier to identify sex and age when animals are standing still or moving slowly.
- Harvest antlerless deer early in the deer hunting season when differences between fawns and adult females are most noticeable.
- A spotting scope, binoculars or rifle scope with adequate magnification makes determining the sex and age of deer more reliable.
- Magnification allows hunters to observe the rounded top of the head of females compared to the square head top or buttons exhibited by button bucks.
- Watch for female deer behavior to help identify button bucks from does; crouching down to urinate is a classic giveaway of a doe.
Disease in deer populations in Michigan and northern Indiana is an indicator of overpopulation and a deterrent for some considering deer hunting or using harvested animals. Excellent information is available in both states to help better understand the diseases affecting the deer population and the related risks:
- Considerations for meat processors accepting venison to prevent spreading Chronic Wasting Disease – Michigan State University Extension
- Ask the expert: How chronic wasting disease threatens deer populations – MSU Today
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) – Indiana DNR
- Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) in White-Tailed Deer – Michigan DNR
Managing the deer herd at proper levels can help reduce car-deer accidents, making the rural roads safer. It can also help maintain deer herd health by reducing the spread of diseases responsible for large die-offs that have occurred. Effective management of the deer herd size is a critical component of maintaining this resource for the enjoyment and safety of the public, sportsmen and farmers.