How to build sparks in your 4-H club

As adults supporting 4-H members, our job is to be a champion for youth passion, provide positive energy and build associated skills.

Two young ladies talking to a man in a suite next to a display.
Youth sharing their 4-H spark story at the Michigan State Capitol.

A spark is a passion for a self-identified interest or skill, or something that metaphorically lights a fire in a young person’s life, providing energy, joy and purpose. In 4-H, we can think of this as the seeds of 4-H success, something that gives youth a passion and drives them forward.

Youth sparks are an essential ingredient of thriving. Having a spark or sparks gives a young person a sense of direction and encourages goal setting. Sparks are different from mere leisure activity in that:

  • Sparks create actions that not only contribute to the benefit of the young person, but also society at large.
  • Sparks provide an intrinsic fuel for a young person’s growth in knowledge and skill. 
  • Sparks enhance a young person’s networks as they encounter others with similar sparks, particularly adults with expertise who can facilitate learning and opportunities for engagement.

In addition, sparks appear to be a protective factor for young people, keeping them out of trouble because of the young person’s intense focus on the source of their spark. Sparks, in turn, motivate youth to succeed in other areas of their lives, such as personal, social and academic. Every young person has the potential to have a spark, and 4-H plays an important role in helping young people discover and pursue their sparks. In some cases, it is a matter of helping youth recognize their spark when the spark has already found them!

Due to its emphasis on learning that is driven by a young person’s interest, 4-H programs provide a unique opportunity for youth to identify, explore and sustain their personal interests, often resulting in the development of a young person’s sparks. High-quality youth program contexts, like those provided in 4-H, are key for facilitating youth sparks. When sparks are nurtured by positive 4-H programs, youth are supported to grow and encouraged to overcome obstacles. In this way, young people are empowered to develop their sparks and to use them to make the world a better place. 

As adults supporting 4-H members, our job is to be a champion for this passion, provide positive energy and build associated skills. Through 4-H, we watch sparks grow, create joy and lead to purpose and direction in life.

As a 4-H volunteer, you play a key role in helping youth find their spark. Here are some ideas to help you be a spark champion for youth:

  • Help youth identify a spark by pointing out moments when you observe them exhibiting joy and positive energy.
  • Affirm youth’s spark(s) by asking questions, listening, attending games, performances and presentations, and providing encouragement.
  • Help youth identify opportunities to express their spark(s). The field of positive youth development focuses on each and every child’s unique talent, strengths, interests and future potential.
  • Model your own spark(s).
  • Help youth overcome obstacles in the way of their sparks.

During club meetings and activities, encourage youth to explore their spark or try new things. This can be as simple as asking open-ended questions instead of just giving information. These open-ended questions encourage thoughtful, in-depth responses. Question such as:

  • When was the last time you were really excited about something and what was it?
  • What activities make you lose track of time?
  • What excites you about your community?
  • How is your 4-H club building connections?

As a volunteer, you can use these kinds of questions as ice breakers, during slow moments in your club meetings, or just as conversations you have with youth.

As you begin to notice youth starting to build sparks, don’t forget to help them keep that fire burning by encouraging or asking questions the next time you see them. This shows youth you care about and understand their passions. This is one of the first steps to building relationships and helping youth thrive.

Michigan State University Extension encourages you to learn more about the 4-H Thriving Model on the 4-H PLWG Standing Committee on Positive Youth Development website. For more information about joining 4-H, visit the MSU Extension 4-H website. For additional helpful volunteer training content, check out the MSU Extension Michigan 4-H Volunteer Webinar Series webpage.

MSU Extension and Michigan 4-H Youth Development help to prepare young people for successful futures. To find out how to get involved as a youth participant or an adult volunteer, contact your county MSU Extension office.

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