Horse Camp: Western Riding - Day 2
Obstacles, Pots, and Jeopardy!
Western Riding: Day 2
A part of daily chores is to groom the horses. This is super important since it allows the horse to get dirt brushed off of them, while also allowing the horse to get desensitized to the amount of excited campers surrounding them. One them, Mango, loves this part of the day, because it turns into his personal spa time. They all take turns brushing and braiding when the other campers are learning how to ride.
Chia Pets (Pots)
This was a really cute activity, where we got some mini flower pots that the students were able to paint on the designs of their choosing, and afterward, we will put in potting soil and adding Chia seeds, that will sprout after a week with good sun and water. Each campers gets to theirs home with them to keep! What a fun little memento from this amazing horse camp! The imagination that the campers had while making these Chia Pets is absolutely magnificent.
How many different breeds of horse can you name? This is one game where the campers' memories were tested from the day before, where they were taught how to identify each different kind of horse breed. Using a fun jeopardy style format, the moderator shows the picture of the horse, and the 4 groups of campers have to guess which breed it is, the fastest one wins! Lots of fun, and a great way to memorize!
Alongside grooming our amazing horses, we have to make sure the places they reside are clean and sanitary so that they don't fall sick. Chores such as pulling harmful plants out of the fields, mowing the grass, and also a scooping the little 'presents' from the ground all over the enclosure. It is quite a big chore to do since that is not sanitary for the horses to have it on the ground. Thank you campers for doing an amazing job!
A lot of horse riding at the camp deals with getting used to maneuvering the horses where you want to go in the training ring, so learning how to steer without pulling, turning in circles, and even going backwards! The horses are really patient and are able to follow the correct commands, they know a lot more than we think they do! There is always a supervisor who helps the camper will learning the proper moves.
Check out more Wester Riding photos here!