“Hidden” 4-H projects at the county fair
There’s more to the county fair than livestock exhibits, woodwork and food. Don’t miss these little known 4-H projects that are also exhibited.
During summer, 4-Hers from around Michigan spend a week displaying their projects and skills at fairs. In Branch County, as in other counties, people know very well about the livestock shows that happen daily that are the results of hard work young people do to raise their show animals. Through the livestock project, they learn feeding, vet care and exhibition techniques. Other little known projects are exhibited as well.
One of these little known projects includes Michigan 4-H Cloverbuds who are 5-7 years old and known as Clover Buds in Michigan or Branch Buds in Branch County. Branch Buds can participate in showing their small animals, still projects, public speaking, dog obedience and modeling. This is a special time for this age group to get acclimated to the exhibition process and prepare for their later years in 4-H. Cloverbuds learn from working on their projects and then talking about their projects with an evaluator during an interview process. Some youth participate in a public speaking event or modeling and learn at an early age to be at ease on stage in front of people. Older youth help Cloverbuds and serve as role models to follow.
4-H entrepreneurship is another project that was showcased at the Branch County Fair. Branch County 4-H members can complete a four-week program to learn about starting a small business. Each member learned about selecting a project to sell, creating a business plan and a sales pitch, as well as a sales pitch or elevator speech for themselves. 4-H entrepreneurship participants sold their projects including dog treats, t-shirts and laundry soap.
4-H members at the Youth Entrepreneurship Program booth.
Michigan 4-H has a very active entrepreneurship program that has taken many different shapes in counties.
Another project highlighting work done by 4-H members was the 4-H landscaping project. Landscaping project members created their own garden, learning about soil types and plant selection during the program. Members cleared their plot, selected plants, watered and weeded and then met with an evaluator during the fair, presenting their garden and a notebook detailing their work.
4-H members participated in several landscape projects.
These are just a few examples of the breadth of projects that may be exhibited at any local fair, not to mention the many others like computer-aided design, livestock judging and educational displays beyond the livestock exhibition, woodworking and foods. Make sure your next visit to a county fair includes finding those projects hidden under the surface!
Other projects 4-H members can participate in at the fair include educational displays and modeling their clothing projects on stage.
To learn about the positive impact of Michigan 4-H youth leadership, citizenship and service and global and cultural education programs, read our impact reports.
Other global educational opportunities including the Michigan 4-H China Art Project can be found on the MSU Extension global and cultural education website. For more information about 4-H learning opportunities and other 4-H programs, contact your county MSU Extension office.