Having student loans issues? Here is a resource for you!
National Consumer Law Center assists student loan borrowers.
Every day we hear about the challenges student loan borrowers are facing as they struggle to pay down their student loans. Often these borrowers do not know where to turn for assistance when in fact there are resources available to guide them.
The US Department of Education has launched a site where student loan borrowers can file complaints and/or report issues they may be having with their loans. This includes possible issues with loan balances, loan servicers and schools’ financial aid offices. The goal of the site is to find constructive and helpful resolutions for borrowers of Federal Loans.
The new system is being overseen by Federal Student Aid (FSAID) to offer borrowers a portal for all types for feedback such as complaints, suspicious activities, and positive feedback. The portal can be used anonymously or with FSAID ID.
Another great resource is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). They have excellent resource materials and a portal to file complaints.
The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) has a great website specifically for student borrowers. This NCLC project is a resource for anyone that has questions on student loans. The site has a step-by-step guide to assist in creating possible solutions to student loan issues. There is also a section of Frequently Asked Questions where borrowers may find answers right away. This site also has a blog, as well as up-to-date information on new developments surrounding student loans. There is a section where borrowers can share their stories and challenges with student loans issues. This helps the NCLC understand nationwide common problems around student loans and student loan debts, so that they can better assist or advocate on behalf of student loan borrowers. NCLC student loan borrower assistance is not able to give legal advice but will make the appropriate referral if needed. In Michigan, if
you need legal assistance, your local legal aid office may be able to assist you. Just do an internet search for “legal aid in Michigan”.
Michigan State University Extension has many great resources including mimoneyhealth.org that will provide you educational information on financial management that can assist in managing you student loan payments successfully.
This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit http://bit.ly/MSUENews. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).