Grape*A*Syst now available

Editor’s note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included.

The Grape*A*Syst Program was launched in April 2009. Grape*A*Syst is an on-farm assessment designed to assist Michigan grape growers evaluate the level of sustainability on their farm, and is a direct response to National Grape’s initiative to develop and implement sustainable practices for their grower members. This assessment tool will enable the industry to measure its progress toward sustainability, which is very important to Welch’s and its customers.

The on-farm assessment is a series of questions that scores the sustainability level for specific production practices, and allows the grower to track progress as they adopt sustainable practices in their vineyards. Research-based tools from MSU’s Grape Research Team provide the grower with options for making improvements. Requirements to become verified by the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program have been incorporated into the assessment. The format of this program provides ideas for IPM and sustainable production strategies that are best suited to address environmental risks while maintaining production of high quality grapes.

Copies of Grape*A*Syst have been recently distributed at MSU meetings, and National Grape will be mailing a copy to their grower members. For more information about the Grape*A*Syst Program, please contact Paul Jenkins (Email:; Telephone: 517-432-7751).

Assistance with Grape*A*Syst is available through the MDA Groundwater Stewardship Program. Growers who would like help going through the workbook should contact Suzy Forraht (Berrien County) at 269-471-9111 or Kyle Mead (Van Buren County) at 269-657-4030 x5. All grower information is kept confidential.


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