Four faculty ranked for their global publication power
Isaacs, Liu, Robertson and Tiedje are among 6,938 researchers across the world whose publications are the most cited according to Clarivate Analytics
Scientific papers are the threads that weave discovery and solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges. The most impactful publications are workhorses that advance the work of others and drive further discoveries.
This week four scientists in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources have been recognized as being among the world’s most influential scientists thanks to their papers’ usefulness to other researchers in their fields.
Rufus Isaacs, Jianguo “Jack” Liu, G. Philip Robertson and James Tiedje are among 11 MSU scientists named to the 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List compiled by Clarivate Analytics.
“Citations of your work by other researchers is a strong measure of your impact”, said Douglas Gage, vice president for research and innovation. “These scholars have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their chosen field and are representative of the high caliber faculty and overall research excellence we have at MSU.”
Clarivate’s methodology draws on data from the Web of Science citation index of individuals at universities, research institutes and commercial organizations who have demonstrated a disproportionate level of significant and broad influence in their field or fields of research over the last decade.

Isaacs is professor of entomology. His work supports pest management in Michigan berry crops, through development of monitoring, biocontrol, and cultural control tactics that can be integrated with selective insecticides within integrative pest management programs.
Liu is University Distinguished Professor and Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability in fisheries and wildlife in the and MSU AgBioResearch. He is also the director of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability. His work takes a holistic approach to

addressing complex human-environmental challenges through systems integration - from wildlife conservation to broad issues of climate change.
Robertson is University Distinguished Professor of Ecosystem Science at W.K. Kellogg Biological State and in plant, soil, and microbial sciences and is science director for the Department of Energy’s Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. His research interests include the biogeochemistry and ecology of field crop ecosystems.
Tiedje is University Distinguished Professor Emeritus in plant, soil and microbial sciences in CANR and the College of Natural Science who has been recognized for unprecedented worldwide contributions to modern microbial ecology. He is also the former director of the MSU

Center for Microbial Ecology.
They share the honor with MSU scientists Gregg Howe in biochemistry and molecular biology in the College of Natural Science, Tomas Hult in marketing and Russell Johnson in management in the Eli Broad College of Business; Aaron McCright, in sociology, David Roy in geography and Richard Lucas in psychology in the College of Social Science; and Morteza Mahmoudi in radiology and the Precision Health Program in the College of Human Medicine.
According to Clarivate, 6,938 researchers from 69 countries and regions have been

named this year. There are 3,981 awards in specific fields (with some named in two to four fields) and 3,244 awards for cross-field impact, totaling 7,225 awards across all the individual researchers named this year. Liu, Isaac, Robertson and Tiedje are in the cross-field of influence category.
Liu and Isaacs are core faculty member of MSU’s Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program.