Forestry Graduate Student Spotlight - Erin Budzyn
Erin Budzyn, PhD Candidate, focuses on the understanding of social acceptance of fire-risk reduction strategies and actions, and human health and wellbeing impacts of forest structural characteristics and species.
Hometown: Washington Twp., Michigan
Degree in Progress: PhD in Forestry.
Research focus: My research focuses on the social side of forestry, specifically regarding the understanding of social acceptance of fire-risk reduction strategies and actions, and human health and wellbeing impacts of forest structural characteristics and species.
What inspired your interest in pursuing a Ph.D. in Forestry?
The opportunity arose to be a part of the fire-risk reduction project as I was finishing my master’s at MSU, and I couldn’t pass it up. I love all things fire related and I dipped my toes into the risk research world with my master’s work, so it seemed like a perfect fit.
Why did you choose to study at MSU?
I have been at MSU since 2018 when I came for my undergrad and I just haven’t left. I have had wonderful opportunities here to continue my education with my master’s and then again with my PhD. It seemed like fate that I would stay and work with Dr. Silver again, who was so influential during my undergrad and sparked my love of social science.
What has been one of your best experiences within graduate school so far?
Getting to meet and work with the new faculty that has come in since I graduated undergrad.
What do you want others to know about this program?
In my mind anyone who is stubborn enough can get a PhD, especially when the program they are in is as welcoming and well put together as the forestry program.
What are some of the best things about being an MSU student?
It truly feels like home when I am on campus, especially with the forestry department being smaller, everyone knows everyone. Having green space available on campus to relax and explore is a big plus too.
Any thoughts or advice for current students?
Take opportunities as they come but also take breaks as needed.
What are your future plans?
I’m undecided on where I will end up after getting my PhD, but I’m sure when that time comes something will be waiting for me.